New Home
For many years now I’ve been teaching wherever there was space to share and people interested in learning. I know that in going to many different locations, I have been able to teach many more people than I would reach in just one spot. And yet it has been my dream to create a space that was Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong. A place that not only myself, but all the students would consider their home. It’s happening now. Less than a week ago, I made the commitment and signed a 5-year lease for our new studio.
We are having a soft opening there this coming Monday, July 4th, and all regular Monday classes will be happening there and free to the public. And, going forward, all classes that were formerly held at Emerald City Aikido on Capitol Hill and the Chinese Wushu TaiChi Academy in the International District will now take place at Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong. We’ll be having aGrand Opening Celebration on Sunday July 31st. Please let me know if you are interested and able to help organize and plan this event.
Our new home is at:
2002 E. Union Street, Seattle, WA 98122

This is the before shot. Katy’s cafe is on the corner to the left. After shot soon to come.
Welcome Home Everyone!