Category: Master David Leung
New Home – Wise Orchid’s Very Own Studio, Summer News and more:
There are many exciting things afoot with Wise Orchid this summer.
- First off, we have a new home: Our Own Wise Orchid Studio!! Yes, I get the keys this Friday, and we’ll be starting out Summer Session on July 4th at our new home with 7:30am Qigong.
- To celebrate independence in more ways that one, all of Monday’s classes in the new home will be open and free to all.
- Also, with the new space, we have freedom to offer new classes! Look below for the info on new classes as well as returning summer sessions.
- Then, we are excited to welcome Master Shanti back to Seattle for a couple workshops to improve your structure and push hands on July 23rd and 24th. Look below for details.
- Now that the sun is here for a few months, many of our sessions will be moving back out to the parks. Look for us in Lincoln Park, the arboretum at South Seattle College, and the Burien Community Park/Skate Park and Annex Park. If you are not sure of the location, please check our calendar for updated locations or contact Viola.
- And, Mark your calendars for Master Leung workshops on October 8th!
New Home
For many years now I’ve been teaching wherever there was space to share and people interested in learning. I know that in going to many different locations, I have been able to teach many more people than I would reach in just one spot. And yet it has been my dream to create a space that was Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong. A place that not only myself, but all the students would consider their home. It’s happening now. Less than a week ago, I made the commitment and signed a 5-year lease for our new studio.
We are having a soft opening there this coming Monday, July 4th, and all regular Monday classes will be happening there and free to the public. And, going forward, all classes that were formerly held at Emerald City Aikido on Capitol Hill and the Chinese Wushu TaiChi Academy in the International District will now take place at Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong. We’ll be having aGrand Opening Celebration on Sunday July 31st. Please let me know if you are interested and able to help organize and plan this event.
Our new home is at:
2002 E. Union Street, Seattle, WA 98122

This is the before shot. Katy’s cafe is on the corner to the left. After shot soon to come.
Welcome Home Everyone!

Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei’s training camp, Duanwei Exam, 20th Anniversary Celebration of Chinese Wushu TaiChi Academy and Disciple Pledge Ceremony was a huge success and an incredible week to be part of and participate in. Thank you everyone who pitched in whether you were helping carry water for the snack table, registered arriving participants, or covered classes while we were training. Congratulations to Rusel DeMaria who pledged and became a disciple of Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei. After 17 years of Tai Chi practice, many of which were with Grandmaster Chen and your years of dedication to the art, it is an honor, well deserved not only for your accomplishments, but also your heart of service you bring to the tradition and your leadership.

In addition, John Howe, after staying long past other participants in the regular workshop classes, studying, practicing and testing for the 4th level Duanwei and did an amazing job! Congratulations!

MASTER SHANTI will be returning July 23rd and 24th for another training in structure and a new session on push hands drills. If you missed last time, you know after hearing everyone talk about the amazing learning, that this one is not to be missed.

- July 24th, 9:30am- 12:30pm, Pushing Hands Drills from Structure to Connection, link here to register.
Each session is $55 in advance or $65 at door. If you pre-register for both, $100 total.
New Classes
With the new studio we have flexibility and space to offer more classes.
- Beginning in July, we’ll be offering a An Introduction to Tai Chi for Beginners and for students who want to improve their fundamentals. This class begins Wednesday, July 13th, 6pm – 7pm and will run 9 weeks. This is a great place to start if you are interested in beginning your practice or want to dive deep into your principles work. Taught by Sifu Rusel DeMaria, this class can stand alone or be included in your unlimited class tuition.
Link here for more information and to register.
- Then in August, we’ll be starting a Tai Chi for Seniors class at the new studio, Mondays at 10:15am – 11:15am. This class will run 8 weeks. Taught by Sifu Viola Brumbaugh, this class can stand alone, or be included in your unlimited tuition. Link here for more information and to register.
Summer sessions are now open for registration and begin next week. Join us:
- South Seattle College Tai Chi for Beginners in the Garden, Wed. 5:30pm beginning July 6th
- South Seattle College Qigong in the Garden, Wed. 6:45pm beginning July 6th
- Burien Tai Chi for Everyone, Tues & Thurs. 10:45am at the Burien Community Park
- Burien Qigong in the Park, Wed. 10:45am at the Burien Annex Park
- Burien Chen Tai Chi, Tues 6pm at the Burien Annex Park
- Senior Tai Chi & Qigong at the West Seattle Senior Center Thursdays 2pm – 3pm, register in person.
- Renton Tai Chi & Qigong for Seniors, Tues 1pm at the Renton Senior Activity Center, register for this class in person.
- International District and Capitol Hill Chen Tai Chi as well as Qigong on Capitol Hill will begin Monday, 7/4 at our new location with a free class. You can register there in person for the remainder of the session or sign up online here.
- Traditional Yang Tai Chi at the Center for Movement and Healing, Tues & Thurs. 8:30am – 9:30am will move outdoors to Lincoln Park, look for us north of the wading pool.
- NEW: Introduction to Tai Chi, Wed. 6pm-7pm at Wise Orchid with Sifu Rusel beginning July 13th, and runs for 9 weeks.
- NEW: Tai Chi for Seniors, Mon. 10:15am – 11:15am, at Wise Orchid, begins August 1st and runs for 8 weeks.
Other exciting news: Save the Date! Master Leung will be returning to Seattle on Oct. 8th to share some of his vast experience with some extraordinary energy work. Info will be up on the website shortly.
And, folks who have been interested in 2 person sparring sets will be happy to hear thatMaster Art Baner will be here in late August to launch a series on the Yang 88 form. I will send out more info once I’ve got the details.
And, lastly, now that we have our new home, we have an opportunity to share our space. If you or someone you know is interested in renting out studio please contact Viola. There are many hours that are available as you know I teach all over the place and I still intend to do so.

I continue to be humbled and blessed by your support and I thank you for your stepping into this practice with the vulnerability it takes to explore these arts and do something different to improve our lives. I thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery inward and am honored to be your friend and teacher.
Much love, and many deep breaths to come,
Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei Coming to Seattle & New Fall Sessions
Save the Dates!
Chen Zhenglei workshops Jan. 14-17, 2016
Just in, exciting news that Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei will be back teaching in Seattle for the first time in many years. Some of the topics to be covered: Silk Reeling, Old Frame 1, Old Frame 2, New Frame 1, and Straight Sword. Please stay tuned as details and more news to follow.

In preparation for Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei’s visit, I’ll be offering pre-camp training on Fridays and Sundays. Whether you plan to attend the workshops or not (are you kidding me?!) you are welcome to join in these fun and expansive training experiences.
- Fridays Beginning in December, expanding the ongoing advanced Chen class to 2 hours beginning 8:45 to 10:45.
- Sundays beginning Nov. 29th from 12:45 – 1:45pm Sword at CMH
Contact Viola if you are interested, pre-registration required. Please no drop-ins. Cost is included in your unlimited tuition. Donations appreciated to cover cost of studio rental.
Starting soon, late fall sessions of the Ba Fa Pan Gen (Spiral Qigong, the 8 Brocade Qigong, and Intro to Tai Chi: Fundamentals for Beginners. Details below. Registration is open now.

Spiral Qigong 4 week session in West Seattle at the Center for Movement and Healing!
Sun., Nov. 29 – Dec. 20, 11:30am
Cost $90, or included with your unlimited Tuition
Registration open now.

Intro to Tai Chi – Fundamentals for Beginners is a new class at SSC on Wed. this late fall beginning Nov. 18, this 4 week session ends Dec. 16 and is from 5:30-6:15pm
Also on Wed. nights beginning Nov. 18th is the 8 Brocade Qigong (Ba Duan Jin), from 6:30-7:15pm at SSC. This series will also be 4 weeks ending Dec. 16th.
Also, a thank you to everyone who came out and supported the workshops with Master David Leung and enjoyed his visits to our regular classes. Pretty beautiful time and practice. Coming Nov. 21st, he’ll be teaching in Vancouver, WA. Here’s a link for more information.

And, if you hadn’t heard, on October 18th, Wise Orchid Taiji family joined with Viola’s Tai Chi sisters Hong Yijiao and Wang Ning and their students to take part in a world Tai Chi practice and broke the Guinness Book of World Records for the greatest number of people practicing Tai Chi at the same time.
Here is a link to one of three articles from local papers, this one in english, and a video taken of some of the participants in China.
It was such fun to participate in this even though it was last minute notice, I want to give a shout out to those who with little information said yes and showed up. Heather Islander, Dawn Aiken, Leo Manzano, Jeff Allen, John Lindsay, John Howe, Rose Slavkowski, Terrill Chang, Kevin Tegmeier, Lisa Glendenning, Jan Ritter, and Rusel DeMaria. Doing Wise Orchid very proud!
And, lastly, just a reminder of our holiday schedule.
No class days:
- Nov. 11, Burien Comm. Ctr. Closed for Veteran’s Day. Regular classes at Emerald City Aikido are still on.
- Nov. 25-28th we are on break for Thanksgiving
- Dec. 23-31st we are on winter break.
Thank you everyone!
Much love and gratitude,

September Events!
Special Weekend with Master Leung! and Free Trial Classes to celebrate the coming of fall!
Master Leung returns to Seattle on September 19th & 20th for a weekend workshop series to push your practice to a new level. Get your registration in by September 5th to save $10 per class!
Join us Saturday the 19th for Yin Yang Medical Qigong and Universal Tai Chi Principles.
Then Sunday, all are welcome regardless of experience level to practice the Yang Tai Chi Broadsword.
Details below:

Register for Master David Leung’s Tai Chi and Qigong Workshops coming up on September 19th & 20th here in Seattle!
Also coming in September, Burien Community Center’s Free Fitness Trial Week! Join us for the following free classes:
- Tuesday, September 15th, 10:45am, Tai Chi for Everyone in the Lakeview Room, Burien Comm. Ctr.
- Tuesday, September 15th, 6:00pm, Chen Style Tai Chi in Hilltop, Burien Community Ctr., and
- Wednesday, September 16th, 10:45am, Qigong – Health of Body, Mind & Spirit in the Lakeview Room, Burien Community Center
Also, we are offering a demonstration class and trial of Tai Chi and Qigong at South Seattle College on September 23th at 6pm at the Chan Center, Classroom 101.
For more information about any of the classes, contact Sifu Viola Brumbaugh.
Tai Chi and Qigong Workshops with Master David Leung, August 2013
Wise Orchid Martial Arts is honored to be hosting another weekend series of Qigong and Tai Chi workshops by Master David Leung on Capitol Hill in Seattle August 3rd and 4th.
Saturday afternoon at 2:30pm, August 3rd we will kick off the weekend of training with the study and practice of Ba Duan Jin Qigong, the Eight Brocade movements are an ancient Qigong set to stretch and twist the body cultivating better vitality by improving circulation of qi and the health of internal organs.
Then at 5pm, we delve into the core principles of Taijiquan. Whether you are a novice or are a veteran Tai Chi player, Master Leung’s depth of knowledge and generosity of sharing will help you bring your practice to a new level.
Then Sunday morning we return with a look into Tui Shou, Tai Chi’s push hands and exploring the applications of movements giving clearer intention behind the postures. Bring Yi into your practice with this fun session of two person play.
And, Sunday afternoon at 1pm we come back to play some Tai Chi Sword. The jian, double edged straight sword, becomes an extension of your body, expanding your qi and improving your empty hand form.
My Tai Chi Master David Leung in Seattle
Hello Tai Chi/Qigong Friends,
Just a reminder that it’s coming up fast! My esteemed teacher Master David Leung will be here in Seattle August 25th & 26th and I am excited to be hosting him for a series of workshops. Everyone is welcome! I hope you’ll come join me and support great teaching and gain an unforgettable experience of learning and fun.
Master Leung was my first Tai Chi instructor and continues to inspire me beyond words. He has the incredible skill of being able to teach to all experience levels with great depth of the art and culture as well as humor. Below is a brief rundown on the workshop schedule.
Saturday, August 25th, 2:30p.m. – 4:30p.m., Ba Duan Jin Qigong (8 Brocade Qigong)
Saturday, August 25th, 5:00p.m. – 7:00p.m., Tai Chi – Universal Principals
Sunday, August 26th, 9:30a.m. – 12noon, Tai Chi Applications and Push Hands
Sunday, August 26th, 1:00p.m. – 3:30 pm, Tai Chi Sword
Each class is $45.00 or take all 4 for $165.00, Fees increase by $10 per class after August 16th. Get your registration in right away to get the early bird discount and reserve your spot!
Here is a link to copy and paste into your browser to take a look at the flyer/registration form for more information:
Then print this form out, complete and mail with your check to Sifu Viola and you are set!
I look forward to seeing you soon!
All my best,
Viola Brumbaugh
Wise Orchid Martial Arts
…… expand & flourish!
New Home – Wise Orchid’s Very Own Studio, Summer News and more:
Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei Coming to Seattle & New Fall Sessions
September Events!
Special Weekend with Master Leung! and Free Trial Classes to celebrate the coming of fall!
Master Leung returns to Seattle on September 19th & 20th for a weekend workshop series to push your practice to a new level. Get your registration in by September 5th to save $10 per class!
Join us Saturday the 19th for Yin Yang Medical Qigong and Universal Tai Chi Principles.
Then Sunday, all are welcome regardless of experience level to practice the Yang Tai Chi Broadsword.
Details below:

Register for Master David Leung’s Tai Chi and Qigong Workshops coming up on September 19th & 20th here in Seattle!
Also coming in September, Burien Community Center’s Free Fitness Trial Week! Join us for the following free classes:
- Tuesday, September 15th, 10:45am, Tai Chi for Everyone in the Lakeview Room, Burien Comm. Ctr.
- Tuesday, September 15th, 6:00pm, Chen Style Tai Chi in Hilltop, Burien Community Ctr., and
- Wednesday, September 16th, 10:45am, Qigong – Health of Body, Mind & Spirit in the Lakeview Room, Burien Community Center
Also, we are offering a demonstration class and trial of Tai Chi and Qigong at South Seattle College on September 23th at 6pm at the Chan Center, Classroom 101.
For more information about any of the classes, contact Sifu Viola Brumbaugh.
Tai Chi and Qigong Workshops with Master David Leung, August 2013
Wise Orchid Martial Arts is honored to be hosting another weekend series of Qigong and Tai Chi workshops by Master David Leung on Capitol Hill in Seattle August 3rd and 4th.
Saturday afternoon at 2:30pm, August 3rd we will kick off the weekend of training with the study and practice of Ba Duan Jin Qigong, the Eight Brocade movements are an ancient Qigong set to stretch and twist the body cultivating better vitality by improving circulation of qi and the health of internal organs.
Then at 5pm, we delve into the core principles of Taijiquan. Whether you are a novice or are a veteran Tai Chi player, Master Leung’s depth of knowledge and generosity of sharing will help you bring your practice to a new level.
Then Sunday morning we return with a look into Tui Shou, Tai Chi’s push hands and exploring the applications of movements giving clearer intention behind the postures. Bring Yi into your practice with this fun session of two person play.
And, Sunday afternoon at 1pm we come back to play some Tai Chi Sword. The jian, double edged straight sword, becomes an extension of your body, expanding your qi and improving your empty hand form.
My Tai Chi Master David Leung in Seattle
Hello Tai Chi/Qigong Friends,
Just a reminder that it’s coming up fast! My esteemed teacher Master David Leung will be here in Seattle August 25th & 26th and I am excited to be hosting him for a series of workshops. Everyone is welcome! I hope you’ll come join me and support great teaching and gain an unforgettable experience of learning and fun.
Master Leung was my first Tai Chi instructor and continues to inspire me beyond words. He has the incredible skill of being able to teach to all experience levels with great depth of the art and culture as well as humor. Below is a brief rundown on the workshop schedule.
Saturday, August 25th, 2:30p.m. – 4:30p.m., Ba Duan Jin Qigong (8 Brocade Qigong)
Saturday, August 25th, 5:00p.m. – 7:00p.m., Tai Chi – Universal Principals
Sunday, August 26th, 9:30a.m. – 12noon, Tai Chi Applications and Push Hands
Sunday, August 26th, 1:00p.m. – 3:30 pm, Tai Chi Sword
Each class is $45.00 or take all 4 for $165.00, Fees increase by $10 per class after August 16th. Get your registration in right away to get the early bird discount and reserve your spot!
Here is a link to copy and paste into your browser to take a look at the flyer/registration form for more information:
Then print this form out, complete and mail with your check to Sifu Viola and you are set!
I look forward to seeing you soon!
All my best,
Viola Brumbaugh
Wise Orchid Martial Arts
…… expand & flourish!