Happy Holidays Everyone!
We are in Costa Rica exploring some new areas before our retreat begins next Saturday. I am sitting in the dining hall of Rancho Naturalista overlooking the yard where they put out bananas to feed the birds. Beyond the yard is a sweeping view of the valley of Turrialba, and the volcano behind, both of which are completely obscured by the falling rain and fog. The sun came out yesterday for our birding adventures and we saw many new birds and had a fun time crossing a creek and hiking up a very rutty road with our new friend and guide Mercedes. What a treat!

We will be back in less than two weeks to begin our Winter sessions. Below are the classes being offered this coming Winter and links for registration. Please register in advance. Winter session runs Jan. 13th through March 21st. New this year, beginning with the Spring Quarter, I am asking that all registrations be made before the end of the previous quarter.
2020 Winter Classes:
Qigong at Wise Orchid Studio, Mon & Wed 7:30am, Sat. 9:15am
Chen Taiji at Wise Orchid Studio, Mon & Wed 8:45am, Sat. 10am and Mon & Thurs. 6pm
Tai Chi for Seniors at Wise Orchid – FULL – Mon. 10:30am & Thurs 2pm
Intro to Tai Chi at Wise Orchid, beginning Jan 8th, Wed 6:30pm
Push Hands/Weapons at Wise Orchid, Sat. 11am
Yang Tai Chi at Limber Yoga, Tue & Thur 8:30am
Yang Tai Chi for Beginners at SSC, Wed. 5:30pm
Qigong at SSC, Wed. 6:45pm
Yang Tai Chi for Everyone in Burien, Tues & Thurs 10:45am
Qigong in Burien, Wed 10:45am
Chen Taiji in Burien, Tues at 6pm
Advance Chen Practice, Fri 8:45am
All classes at Wise Orchid Studio or Limber Yoga, link here to register.

With the turn of the New Year, I reflect on this last decade, our first 10 years in Seattle. It has been such an honor to continue to learn this art and share it with you. I am continuously amazed at the endless treasures discovered in learning this practice. My hope for the New Year is to continue to inspire you to go deeper into your own practice, committing to bring you the best of instruction with humility and authenticity.
The day before yesterday we were blessed to see just hatched turtles released to make their imprinting path down the beach to the ocean. To witness this first journey touched me so deeply. Nature and the circle of life is always such a good teacher and reminder of the path of Tai Chi. As our calendar turns, new life begins. Each little life like a prayer as it reached the water to disappear into the surf.

I am grateful to you my, Tai Chi family, for all your kindness, love and support as we made our way through the challenges of 2018 and 2019. Being in Costa Rica and witnessing Rus in his returning function and strength in real time is still such a miracle from where he was this time last year. Our hearts are full and we recognize each of you as a part of this recovery. Tomorrow morning we rise at 5am to hike the Corcovado National Park. It will be a new challenge and the discoveries will be both within and without.
From the drenching rain last night to the howler monkey alarm clock this morning, I send you the deepest bow and New Year’s greetings from Costa Rica. See you all in 2020!
Be Well, and Practice, Pura Vida,