Hello everyone!
Fall sessions begin tomorrow, October 8th, and I’m writing to share with you
And also, a welcome to Greg Patenaude who will be offering meditation workshops the third Sunday mornings in October and November at Wise Orchid.
Lastly, the Costa Rica Retreat next January has been put on hold. Look below to find out more, and thank you all for your kindness and support.
Now more than ever, we need a space and a practice to cultivate some calm, some self care. Here is your opportunity to say yes. Breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and see you soon. |
This Fall, Sessions begin Monday, October 8th at the Wise Orchid Studio with new sessions of Morning Qigong, Chen Taiji in the mornings and Evenings, new sessions of Tai Chi for Seniors on Mondays and Thursdays, Intro to Tai Chi on Wednesday evenings, a special series on Saturdays focused on the Yin Yang Medical Qigong, and an all levels Chen Taji on Saturdays as well. One new exciting session being offered is an evening class of Erlu with Eldan beginning October 22nd. Click here to see the full schedule. |
In July, while we were on break, Carol, Joanne, and Claire joined me and Rus on a trip to China to train, and celebrate Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei’s 70th birthday in Chen Village, the birthplace of Taijiquan, followed by a few days in Hangzhou. Look here for a glimpse at our amazing trip. |
Saturdays 9:30am, begining Oct. 13th
The Yin Yang Medical QiGongcombines various philosophies to bring energy to the main acupuncture points and organs to maintain health, improve vitality, and enhance qi.
Click here to register |
The second weekend in November, we welcome back Master Art Baner for another series of workshops in Sensing Hands. We’ll bring new folks up to speed, reviewing previously covered material and continue in the exploration of moving step practice and 4 hands patterns and play. Space is limited so register early. |
This fall we’ll have a review of the Chen Spear form through the first 4 sections in a two hour intensive at Pratt Park on November 3rd, 2-4pm. All are welcome to attend to review and refine. |
Lastly, most everyone who has been active in classes knows that at the beginning of summer session when we returned from China, Rus injured his back and what followed was a series of shingles outbreaks that resulted in some serious nerve damage in his left leg. He is currently unable to walk. Due to this turn of events, we have decided to put our Costa Rica Tai Chi and Qigong retreat scheduled for January 2019 on hold. Nerves take a long time to heal and he is receiving weekly therapy sessions and working toward pain management options. Thank you everyone for your generous support and positive energy. We are looking at a long-term process of regaining function and strength. Here is a picture of us all in China at a Dragon Well Tea farm with Rus standing on his injured leg. Let’s hope he can do this again soon. |
As always, you have my gratitude for showing up, for sharing this practice with me, and being part of something greater than anyone of us alone. I know that together we are all making a difference in practicing presence, remember to breathe, and soften.
Be well and I look forward to seeing you soon,
Viola |