Category: free
New Home – Wise Orchid’s Very Own Studio, Summer News and more:
There are many exciting things afoot with Wise Orchid this summer.
- First off, we have a new home: Our Own Wise Orchid Studio!! Yes, I get the keys this Friday, and we’ll be starting out Summer Session on July 4th at our new home with 7:30am Qigong.
- To celebrate independence in more ways that one, all of Monday’s classes in the new home will be open and free to all.
- Also, with the new space, we have freedom to offer new classes! Look below for the info on new classes as well as returning summer sessions.
- Then, we are excited to welcome Master Shanti back to Seattle for a couple workshops to improve your structure and push hands on July 23rd and 24th. Look below for details.
- Now that the sun is here for a few months, many of our sessions will be moving back out to the parks. Look for us in Lincoln Park, the arboretum at South Seattle College, and the Burien Community Park/Skate Park and Annex Park. If you are not sure of the location, please check our calendar for updated locations or contact Viola.
- And, Mark your calendars for Master Leung workshops on October 8th!
New Home
For many years now I’ve been teaching wherever there was space to share and people interested in learning. I know that in going to many different locations, I have been able to teach many more people than I would reach in just one spot. And yet it has been my dream to create a space that was Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong. A place that not only myself, but all the students would consider their home. It’s happening now. Less than a week ago, I made the commitment and signed a 5-year lease for our new studio.
We are having a soft opening there this coming Monday, July 4th, and all regular Monday classes will be happening there and free to the public. And, going forward, all classes that were formerly held at Emerald City Aikido on Capitol Hill and the Chinese Wushu TaiChi Academy in the International District will now take place at Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong. We’ll be having aGrand Opening Celebration on Sunday July 31st. Please let me know if you are interested and able to help organize and plan this event.
Our new home is at:
2002 E. Union Street, Seattle, WA 98122

This is the before shot. Katy’s cafe is on the corner to the left. After shot soon to come.
Welcome Home Everyone!

Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei’s training camp, Duanwei Exam, 20th Anniversary Celebration of Chinese Wushu TaiChi Academy and Disciple Pledge Ceremony was a huge success and an incredible week to be part of and participate in. Thank you everyone who pitched in whether you were helping carry water for the snack table, registered arriving participants, or covered classes while we were training. Congratulations to Rusel DeMaria who pledged and became a disciple of Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei. After 17 years of Tai Chi practice, many of which were with Grandmaster Chen and your years of dedication to the art, it is an honor, well deserved not only for your accomplishments, but also your heart of service you bring to the tradition and your leadership.

In addition, John Howe, after staying long past other participants in the regular workshop classes, studying, practicing and testing for the 4th level Duanwei and did an amazing job! Congratulations!

MASTER SHANTI will be returning July 23rd and 24th for another training in structure and a new session on push hands drills. If you missed last time, you know after hearing everyone talk about the amazing learning, that this one is not to be missed.

- July 24th, 9:30am- 12:30pm, Pushing Hands Drills from Structure to Connection, link here to register.
Each session is $55 in advance or $65 at door. If you pre-register for both, $100 total.
New Classes
With the new studio we have flexibility and space to offer more classes.
- Beginning in July, we’ll be offering a An Introduction to Tai Chi for Beginners and for students who want to improve their fundamentals. This class begins Wednesday, July 13th, 6pm – 7pm and will run 9 weeks. This is a great place to start if you are interested in beginning your practice or want to dive deep into your principles work. Taught by Sifu Rusel DeMaria, this class can stand alone or be included in your unlimited class tuition.
Link here for more information and to register.
- Then in August, we’ll be starting a Tai Chi for Seniors class at the new studio, Mondays at 10:15am – 11:15am. This class will run 8 weeks. Taught by Sifu Viola Brumbaugh, this class can stand alone, or be included in your unlimited tuition. Link here for more information and to register.
Summer sessions are now open for registration and begin next week. Join us:
- South Seattle College Tai Chi for Beginners in the Garden, Wed. 5:30pm beginning July 6th
- South Seattle College Qigong in the Garden, Wed. 6:45pm beginning July 6th
- Burien Tai Chi for Everyone, Tues & Thurs. 10:45am at the Burien Community Park
- Burien Qigong in the Park, Wed. 10:45am at the Burien Annex Park
- Burien Chen Tai Chi, Tues 6pm at the Burien Annex Park
- Senior Tai Chi & Qigong at the West Seattle Senior Center Thursdays 2pm – 3pm, register in person.
- Renton Tai Chi & Qigong for Seniors, Tues 1pm at the Renton Senior Activity Center, register for this class in person.
- International District and Capitol Hill Chen Tai Chi as well as Qigong on Capitol Hill will begin Monday, 7/4 at our new location with a free class. You can register there in person for the remainder of the session or sign up online here.
- Traditional Yang Tai Chi at the Center for Movement and Healing, Tues & Thurs. 8:30am – 9:30am will move outdoors to Lincoln Park, look for us north of the wading pool.
- NEW: Introduction to Tai Chi, Wed. 6pm-7pm at Wise Orchid with Sifu Rusel beginning July 13th, and runs for 9 weeks.
- NEW: Tai Chi for Seniors, Mon. 10:15am – 11:15am, at Wise Orchid, begins August 1st and runs for 8 weeks.
Other exciting news: Save the Date! Master Leung will be returning to Seattle on Oct. 8th to share some of his vast experience with some extraordinary energy work. Info will be up on the website shortly.
And, folks who have been interested in 2 person sparring sets will be happy to hear thatMaster Art Baner will be here in late August to launch a series on the Yang 88 form. I will send out more info once I’ve got the details.
And, lastly, now that we have our new home, we have an opportunity to share our space. If you or someone you know is interested in renting out studio please contact Viola. There are many hours that are available as you know I teach all over the place and I still intend to do so.

I continue to be humbled and blessed by your support and I thank you for your stepping into this practice with the vulnerability it takes to explore these arts and do something different to improve our lives. I thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery inward and am honored to be your friend and teacher.
Much love, and many deep breaths to come,
September Events!
Special Weekend with Master Leung! and Free Trial Classes to celebrate the coming of fall!
Master Leung returns to Seattle on September 19th & 20th for a weekend workshop series to push your practice to a new level. Get your registration in by September 5th to save $10 per class!
Join us Saturday the 19th for Yin Yang Medical Qigong and Universal Tai Chi Principles.
Then Sunday, all are welcome regardless of experience level to practice the Yang Tai Chi Broadsword.
Details below:

Register for Master David Leung’s Tai Chi and Qigong Workshops coming up on September 19th & 20th here in Seattle!
Also coming in September, Burien Community Center’s Free Fitness Trial Week! Join us for the following free classes:
- Tuesday, September 15th, 10:45am, Tai Chi for Everyone in the Lakeview Room, Burien Comm. Ctr.
- Tuesday, September 15th, 6:00pm, Chen Style Tai Chi in Hilltop, Burien Community Ctr., and
- Wednesday, September 16th, 10:45am, Qigong – Health of Body, Mind & Spirit in the Lakeview Room, Burien Community Center
Also, we are offering a demonstration class and trial of Tai Chi and Qigong at South Seattle College on September 23th at 6pm at the Chan Center, Classroom 101.
For more information about any of the classes, contact Sifu Viola Brumbaugh.
December 2014 – New Classes, Free Classes, China Trip Pics, Rates for 2015
New Classes, Updated Schedule, News from China & 2015 Rates.
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December 2014 News for Wise Orchid Tai Chi & Qigong
Hello Tai Chi family and friends,
What a year this has been! Such great depths of training, practice and discovery.
I’ve been decompressing from my training, preparation, and subsequent trip to China where I demonstrated, competed, trained and won a gold medal along with silver and bronze medals in the three events in which I participated. With nearly 1,000 people in attendance, most of whom were Chinese nationals, it was an amazing honor and a very humbling experience even being there. Here is a link to my flickr page where you can see pictures and check out the scenes from Chen Village, the birthplace of Tai Chi.
With all the new learning from my teachers here on the West Coast, and in China, I am excited to be sharing a more expansive curriculum in the year ahead, including more opportunities to touch in with some sensing hands as well as more advanced empty hand forms, partner work, and weapons play.
Look below for the details on the new classes being offered and go to the website to see the new schedule for Winter 2015.
Also, Wise Orchid will be taking a break between the holidays and then returning with some free classes for new students to try out when we start back up in January. Look below for the details and tell your neighbors and friends.
In other news, our rent has gone up across the board. This means that I’m having to increase class fees. Take advantage of the Holiday Specials before the end of the year to save a heap on next year’s fees. See more info and details below.

Holiday Class Schedule – No Class Days, Free Class Days!
This holiday season, we’ll be on class break from December 24th to January 4th. Coming back on January 5th, we’ll have the following FREE classes:
Monday the 5th:
- Qigong, 7:30am at Emerald City Aikido, 604 19th Ave E.
- Chen Taiji, 8:45am at Emerald City Aikido, 604 19th Ave E.
- Chen Taiji 6pm at Chinese Wushu Taichi, 709 1/2 S. King St. in the ID
Tuesday the 6th:
- Yang Tai Chi, 8:30am at The Center for Movement & Healing, 7901 35th Ave SW, West Seattle
- Tai Chi for Everyone, 10:45am at Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW
- Free Chen Taiji, 6pm at Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW
Wednesday, the 7th:
- Free Qigong, 10:45am at Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW
Free classes are a way to spread the word and help promote these classes that you love so that they can continue and grow, helping to improve more peoples lives. Bring a friend and let’s spread the practice and the benefits of better health, balance, focus, calm, and energy.

Rates increasing and shift to quarterly sessions (for Capitol Hill, International District & Morning West Seattle Classes)
Tough News: Due to our rent going up in all locations by 25%, I have to raise my rates by 10% for 2015.
Good News: Take advantage of the Holiday Special on now through January 8th, with 10% off current class fees. Yes, that means 20% off next year’s tuition paid as far in advance as you’d like! See the details below!
And, Simplification: As of the first of the year, ongoing classes at the Center for Movement & Healing, Emerald City Aikido, and in the Int’l Dist. locations will be changing to a pay by the quarter system. If you have prepaid for part of the quarter at the beginning of the year, the remainder of your fees will be pro-rated based upon last year’s rates so that all tuition is due at the beginning of each quarter. Each quarter will be 12 weeks, with one week off in-between. (Yes, drop-in cards are still available and folks can begin at anytime.)
If you’ve been paying by the month, I’d like to work with you to help this transition be as workable as possible. It is not my intention to create a hardship for anyone so let’s work together on making this an easy transition for all, I’m flexible…, but you already know that :). Please understand that this will make my life and hopefully yours a little easier in the long run.

Holiday Tuition Specials!Between now and January 8th, pay for your future class fees and save 10% on the current rates (that means 20% off next year’s tuition). Pay as far forward as you like. This special on tuition applies to the ongoing classes at the Center for Movement & Healing, Emerald City Aikido & the ID.)Quarter Sessions:
- Unlimited classes per week $315 (saves you $70)
- 2 classes per week $252 (saves you $56)
- 1 class per week $180 (saves you $40)
Annual Memberships:
- Unlimited classes $1200 ($266 savings)
- 2 classes per week $972 ($216 savings)
- 1 class per week $688.50 ($153 savings)
Drop-in Cards:
- 10 class card $166 (saves you $32)
- 20 class card $288 (saves you $64)
Also, Beginner’s Packages will be on special now thru the end of January:
$55 for your first 4 classes (a $20 savings), bring a friend and the two of you only pay $90 (after Jan. 31st, goes up to $75 for one, or $120 for 2).
To take advantage of this Holiday Special, please pay by check or cash.
- Spiral Qigong in West Seattle! Sundays Jan. 11 – Feb. 8th, 1-2:15pm, 5 sessions at $90 alone or included in unlimited membership. Register in advance by contacting Viola.
- Sensing Hands in West Seattle! Sundays, Feb 22nd to March 22nd, 11:30am to 1pm, Connect deeper with your form and structure, have fun and learn the adhering, flow, and listening skills of sensing hands. $90 alone or included with unlimited membership. Register in advance by contacting Viola.
- Intermediate/Advanced Chen on Capitol Hill! Friday mornings starting on February 13th, 8:15 – 9:30am – Weapons & 2 person training. Make room in your schedule and plan on joining me Friday mornings. Register in advance by contacting Viola.
- Qigong in Burien: Wednesday mornings beginning January 7th, 10:45am, I will be offering a new Qigong class at the Burien Community Center. Focusing on healing and therapeutic work, this class is a good addition to your Tai Chi practice, or can be taken alone if you’ve fallen out of practice and want a gentle return to energy work that strengthens the body bringing relaxation and better vitality. Registration is open now at the Burien Community Center.
- Senior Tai Chi & Qigong in West Seattle! Thursday afternoons starting January 8th at 2pm at the West Seattle Senior Center! We have a new time and new classroom! Please spread the word so we can grow this class and bring better balance and health to more folks! Register with Viola when you come to class.
Remember, Take advantage of our discount: 25% off for vets, additional family members, and students over 70 years. Applies to classes at Center for Movement & Healing, Emerald City Aikido, and the ID classes.
Check the website for a listing of these and all other classes with Wise Orchid Taijiquan & Qigong. New sessions of Senior Tai Chi and Qigong in Renton, evening Chen Taiji in Burien, as well asYang Tai Chi and Qigong at South Seattle College begin the first week of January!

Thank you all for an amazing 2014!
Be well, Stand Tall, Drink Water, Breathe Deeply.Joy and peace to you, your family and friends. And, I look forward to seeing you in 2015.
All my best,
Copyright © 2014 Wise Orchid Martial Arts – Tai Chi, QiGong & Kung Fu, All rights reserved.unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences
Celebrating World Tai Chi Qigong Day – 2014
April 26, 2014, Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA – With over 35 people coming together at Cal Anderson Park, we joined with millions of people in over 70 countries worldwide to celebrate World Tai Chi Qigong Day…
Join us next year, 10am the last Saturday in April and again wrap the world in healing… One World… One Breath…

Seattle World Tai Chi Qigong Day 2014 – 5 Element Qigong Water Yang

5 Element Qigong Standing Post – Fire Yin

Wave Hands Like Clouds

Chen Taiji Cloud Hands Play

Tai Chi Play at Cal Anderson Park

Tai Chi at Cal Anderson Park

Silk Reeling

2014 World Tai Chi Qigong Day – Silk Reeling Practice
Winter 2014: Free Classes, Special Events, New Qigong Class in G’town, etc.
11 Free Classes – to start the new year!
@ Emerald City Aikido, Capitol Hill, 604 19th Ave E
Wed., Jan. 1st & Mon. Jan. 6th
Free Qigong at 7:30 am
Free Chen Taiji at 8:45 am
@ International District Studio (Chinatown), 709 1/2 S. King St.
Mon., Jan. 6th
Free Chen Tai Chi at 6pm
@ Center for Movement & Healing, West Seattle, 7901 35th Ave SW
Tues., Jan., 7th
Free Yang Tai Chi at 8:30am
@ Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW
Yang Tai Chi at 10:45 am, both Mon. Jan. 6th & Tues., Jan. 7th
then, Chen Tai Chi at 6pm, Tues, Jan 7th
*New* Spiral Qigong in Georgetown!
Sundays, January 5th, to February 2nd, 10-11:15am
at the beautiful Yogasmith Studio in Georgetown, 5917 Airport Way S.
$70 for Yogasmith members, $85 for non-members (no drop-ins or make ups)
space is limited, email joelb@yogasmithseattle.com now to reserve your spot.
Qigong (pronounced Chee Gung) is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as a foundational pillar of Chinese Martial Arts. Focused on cultivation of qi (energy), as well as opening up blockages in the medians, qigong practice allows energy to move more freely, thereby improving immunity, health, and vitality.
The Ba Fa Pan Gen (Eight Methods to Firm your Roots) Qigong comes from the internal Chinese martial art of Xing Yi (shing ee), and is designed to spiral, cleanse, and heal the body. The twisting movements of this Qigong stimulate the energetic pathways in your body (meridians) and massage your internal organs while developing a more stable foundation, improving the strength and structure of your legs.
The 8 movements of the Ba Fa Pan Gen – inspired by the spirit and natural movements of animals – spiral and expand the body in 8 directions, harmonizing inside and out. As you practice, you will strengthen and unify your legs and core, develop internal power and heal and cleanse your body of stale energy and toxins… and it’s a fun and dynamic practice that will reduce stress and leave you feeling energized. No previous experience necessary. Everyone welcome. visit the fb event here.
To sign up or for more information please email: joelb@yogasmithseattle.com
Also, New Sessions of:
Chen Tai Chi in Burien begins Jan. 7th, 6pm, with a Free Class, followed by 11 more weeks of great practice!
New Beginners Tai Chi at SSCC in West Seattle, begins Jan 8th, 5:30pm
New Qigong for Stress Reduction and Health at SSCC in West Seattle, begins January 8th, 6:45pm
New Tai Chi and Qigong for Seniors at the Renton Senior Activity Center beginning Jan. 7th, 1pm
For a complete listing of classes, please visit our Class Schedules and Locations page.
Special Events!
Open House @ Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW,
Saturday, Jan. 11th, from 11-3pm,
Come participate or see our Tai Chi demonstration at noon!
Taste of Puer Tea, at Phoenix Teahouse, Burien
Saturday, January 25th, 10:30am,
2 spots left in this intimate class of tea tasting and education, $15 per person. Let Viola know if you are interested and snatch up the last two remaining spaces.
Sunday, Feb 2nd, 1pm
Liberty, 517 15th Ave E., Capitol Hill
Featuring: Tai Chi Master with Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh!
RSVP or find out more here
Thank you everyone for your kindness, dedication and continued support in the arts. I am living my dreams because of you showing up and choosing to do something healthy for yourself. To all of you I wish the healthiest year of your life in 2014. Be Well. Breathe Deeply and make a difference in your own life.
Peace, Happy New Year, and All my best,
New Home – Wise Orchid’s Very Own Studio, Summer News and more:
September Events!
Special Weekend with Master Leung! and Free Trial Classes to celebrate the coming of fall!
Master Leung returns to Seattle on September 19th & 20th for a weekend workshop series to push your practice to a new level. Get your registration in by September 5th to save $10 per class!
Join us Saturday the 19th for Yin Yang Medical Qigong and Universal Tai Chi Principles.
Then Sunday, all are welcome regardless of experience level to practice the Yang Tai Chi Broadsword.
Details below:

Register for Master David Leung’s Tai Chi and Qigong Workshops coming up on September 19th & 20th here in Seattle!
Also coming in September, Burien Community Center’s Free Fitness Trial Week! Join us for the following free classes:
- Tuesday, September 15th, 10:45am, Tai Chi for Everyone in the Lakeview Room, Burien Comm. Ctr.
- Tuesday, September 15th, 6:00pm, Chen Style Tai Chi in Hilltop, Burien Community Ctr., and
- Wednesday, September 16th, 10:45am, Qigong – Health of Body, Mind & Spirit in the Lakeview Room, Burien Community Center
Also, we are offering a demonstration class and trial of Tai Chi and Qigong at South Seattle College on September 23th at 6pm at the Chan Center, Classroom 101.
For more information about any of the classes, contact Sifu Viola Brumbaugh.
December 2014 – New Classes, Free Classes, China Trip Pics, Rates for 2015
Celebrating World Tai Chi Qigong Day – 2014
April 26, 2014, Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA – With over 35 people coming together at Cal Anderson Park, we joined with millions of people in over 70 countries worldwide to celebrate World Tai Chi Qigong Day…
Join us next year, 10am the last Saturday in April and again wrap the world in healing… One World… One Breath…

Seattle World Tai Chi Qigong Day 2014 – 5 Element Qigong Water Yang

5 Element Qigong Standing Post – Fire Yin

Wave Hands Like Clouds

Chen Taiji Cloud Hands Play

Tai Chi Play at Cal Anderson Park

Tai Chi at Cal Anderson Park

Silk Reeling

2014 World Tai Chi Qigong Day – Silk Reeling Practice
Winter 2014: Free Classes, Special Events, New Qigong Class in G’town, etc.
11 Free Classes – to start the new year!
@ Emerald City Aikido, Capitol Hill, 604 19th Ave E
Wed., Jan. 1st & Mon. Jan. 6th
Free Qigong at 7:30 am
Free Chen Taiji at 8:45 am
@ International District Studio (Chinatown), 709 1/2 S. King St.
Mon., Jan. 6th
Free Chen Tai Chi at 6pm
@ Center for Movement & Healing, West Seattle, 7901 35th Ave SW
Tues., Jan., 7th
Free Yang Tai Chi at 8:30am
@ Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW
Yang Tai Chi at 10:45 am, both Mon. Jan. 6th & Tues., Jan. 7th
then, Chen Tai Chi at 6pm, Tues, Jan 7th
*New* Spiral Qigong in Georgetown!
Sundays, January 5th, to February 2nd, 10-11:15am
at the beautiful Yogasmith Studio in Georgetown, 5917 Airport Way S.
$70 for Yogasmith members, $85 for non-members (no drop-ins or make ups)
space is limited, email joelb@yogasmithseattle.com now to reserve your spot.
Qigong (pronounced Chee Gung) is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as a foundational pillar of Chinese Martial Arts. Focused on cultivation of qi (energy), as well as opening up blockages in the medians, qigong practice allows energy to move more freely, thereby improving immunity, health, and vitality.
The Ba Fa Pan Gen (Eight Methods to Firm your Roots) Qigong comes from the internal Chinese martial art of Xing Yi (shing ee), and is designed to spiral, cleanse, and heal the body. The twisting movements of this Qigong stimulate the energetic pathways in your body (meridians) and massage your internal organs while developing a more stable foundation, improving the strength and structure of your legs.
The 8 movements of the Ba Fa Pan Gen – inspired by the spirit and natural movements of animals – spiral and expand the body in 8 directions, harmonizing inside and out. As you practice, you will strengthen and unify your legs and core, develop internal power and heal and cleanse your body of stale energy and toxins… and it’s a fun and dynamic practice that will reduce stress and leave you feeling energized. No previous experience necessary. Everyone welcome. visit the fb event here.
To sign up or for more information please email: joelb@yogasmithseattle.com
Also, New Sessions of:
Chen Tai Chi in Burien begins Jan. 7th, 6pm, with a Free Class, followed by 11 more weeks of great practice!
New Beginners Tai Chi at SSCC in West Seattle, begins Jan 8th, 5:30pm
New Qigong for Stress Reduction and Health at SSCC in West Seattle, begins January 8th, 6:45pm
New Tai Chi and Qigong for Seniors at the Renton Senior Activity Center beginning Jan. 7th, 1pm
For a complete listing of classes, please visit our Class Schedules and Locations page.
Special Events!
Open House @ Burien Community Center, 14700 6th Ave SW,
Saturday, Jan. 11th, from 11-3pm,
Come participate or see our Tai Chi demonstration at noon!
Taste of Puer Tea, at Phoenix Teahouse, Burien
Saturday, January 25th, 10:30am,
2 spots left in this intimate class of tea tasting and education, $15 per person. Let Viola know if you are interested and snatch up the last two remaining spaces.
Sunday, Feb 2nd, 1pm
Liberty, 517 15th Ave E., Capitol Hill
Featuring: Tai Chi Master with Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh!
RSVP or find out more here
Thank you everyone for your kindness, dedication and continued support in the arts. I am living my dreams because of you showing up and choosing to do something healthy for yourself. To all of you I wish the healthiest year of your life in 2014. Be Well. Breathe Deeply and make a difference in your own life.
Peace, Happy New Year, and All my best,